Critical Incident Management Training in Northolt, Middlesex

Would you know what to do during a terror attack in the UK? Get in touch with us at Crisilience Ltd to learn how to handle emergencies due to terror attacks or workplace violence.We can deliver our course at your location or ours

Handle crisis situations

Critical incident management training is crucial in dealing with crisis situations in the event of a terrorist attack. We also offer training on how to handle emergencies if the attack escalates into a hostage situation. Get in touch with us for more information.

CIMAT seminars

At Crisilience Ltd, we offer CIMAT seminars to train you or your employees to handle emergencies due to terror attacks.

These seminars cover security awareness, handling terrorist attacks and handling hostage situations. The full seminar is delivered over 3 hours and can be added to an organisation’s employee development program.

The attendees are given a link to our Learner Management System (LMS), where they can review all the elements of the seminar and answer a short quiz at the end. Employers will be provided with learner retention reports from the LMS, which allows them to evaluate the effectiveness of the seminars.

Foundational element

The foundational element of the CIMAT seminar is security awareness. This is vital to the whole programme as it provides attendees with a better perspective on ways to protect their organisations, families and themselves. The surprise is one of the main factors of any successful attack, and each attack is preceded by surveillance and careful planning. One of the main factors in preventing this is awareness of one’s surroundings and changing events.

Foundational element

The foundational element of the CIMAT seminar is security awareness. This is vital to the whole programme as it provides attendees with a better perspective on ways to protect their organisations, families and themselves. The surprise is one of the main factors of any successful attack, and each attack is preceded by surveillance and careful planning. One of the main factors in preventing this is awareness of one’s surroundings and changing events.

Possible methods of attacks

We are all aware of the number of growing incidents of terrorist attacks throughout the UK and the world. The methods of attacks are flexible and can include:

  • Active shooter
  • Knife attacks
  • Planted IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
  • PBIED (Person-Borne IED)
  • VBIED (Vehicle-Borne IED)
  • Vehicle as attack weapon and pedestrian road ramming
  • Chemical attacks
  • Emergency Prepardeness

    It’s ironic these days that even with legislation, many companies, even some of the largest, do not have an emergency preparedness program in place. Shortages of trained, qualified First Aiders, First Aid equipment, Fire Marshals/Wardens. There are some companies that do not carry out evacuation drills as frequently as they should.

    If these companies performed even the simplest of “Risk Assessment” they would instantly see they are understaffed in respects of their legal duty of care to employee health and safety.

    Emergency Prepardeness

    It’s ironic these days that even with legislation, many companies, even some of the largest, do not have an emergency preparedness program in place. Shortages of trained, qualified First Aiders, First Aid equipment, Fire Marshals/Wardens. There are some companies that do not carry out evacuation drills as frequently as they should.

    If these companies performed even the simplest of “Risk Assessment” they would instantly see they are understaffed in respects of their legal duty of care to employee health and safety.

    If you would like to attend our Critical Incident Management Training (CIMAT) seminars in Northolt, call Crisilience Ltd on
    07889 151 757
    Call us :-)